Oct.2023 24
Views: 219
LETELAC ZSBW-S1000kVA static voltage regulator for a large factory

This 1000Kva static regulator was designed to provide auxiliary service to a production line in China with an input voltage variation of -25%/+15% and an operating frequency of 50Hz.


The complexity of the site's power usage creates more surge-type supply voltage fluctuations.


This design required isolation of the outputs; in fact, the regulators were mounted in two 1000x900x1800h mm enclosures.


In addition, the regulator was designed to be divided into two parts in order to solve logistical problems during installation.


For LETEAC, it is always a challenge to be able to meet the most complex requirements.

Recommended products: ZSBW series non-contact voltage regulator; AVC-DVR dynamic voltage restorer

Objective: To stabilize voltage and solve the problem of grid falling

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